
Visual Arts

WELCOME! Our Preliminary Application for 2024-25 Is Now Closed

Whether a beginner or burgeoning artist, Poly offers students a range of visual arts courses that matches their interests and skill.

In our studios, creating art is not only hands-on and challenging, it’s also inspiring and community building.

Students develop a strong base in traditional practice and materials, while still being encouraged to develop their own eye and methods. They experiment, take risks, and solve problems. They look closely, ask questions, see alternate perspectives, and make connections. Through our Arts Partnerships, they meet inspiring professional artists from whom they tap invaluable creative energy to explore and hone their own crafts.

Visual Arts Exhibition
Marco Dorazio ’24 Penguin drawing

Each winter and spring, student works are celebrated and exhibited in the galleries around campus. For a look at some of their amazing work, we invite you to explore our Visual Arts Department’s Winter 2021-22 digital Visual Arts Exhibition. This rich portfolio includes more than 140 pieces of Middle and Upper School artwork that capture a wide array of mediums including painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, and photography.

Caleb Kim Wheel Thrown Vases Trio
Bird drawing
Textile art
Student Artwork
" class="hidden">漯河医学高等专科学校